Our Suppliers

Our Suppliers
Having a varied, stable and responsible supply base is important for our growth, your success, and the footprint we leave on our oceans and in local communities around the world.

The Reason
When I was working as a chef, my suppliers were my lifeline. Exceptional dishes depended on exceptional product. Finding great sources and maintaining strong relationships with the people who could get them for me was a priority. And it was the essential value of these relationships that was the inspiration for Gra-Bar.

The Benefits
We maintain a close and personal relationship with all of our suppliers all over the world. We make it a priority to work with companies who prioritize sustainability and with independents and small businesses in remote locations whenever possible. This allows us to closely track the supply chain and carry unique items that may not be available in large enough quantities to make it to market. It also allows us to have access to products that others might not have when mainstream supply is running low.

The Impact
In addition to being able to get our customers responsibly caught items they may not be able to find anywhere else, by supporting small remote fishing villages and independent fisherman, we are able to support community development and increased commerce in locations that are inaccessible to most. We have found that this approach to supply chain management makes every step of what we do more about supporting people instead of just supporting an industry.

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